The Empire Draws Back

An extension of the Jedi Spine Tricks workshop, this 2 hour class will give you the tools to: 

• Help yourself/your students with lower back issues

• Address Diastasis Recti and other topics related to post partum muscular recovery

• Access and control your deep abdominals

You’ll learn simple exercises that help you engage your abdominals for postural control, that you can do all the time, everywhere.

No special equipment required.

Included in this purchase is an additional 20 minute video focused on engaging the Transverse Abdominis with the help of a stability ball, that not only tones your abdomen but also releases tension throughout the torso through targeted deep breathing techniques

Both the Zoom recording and a higher res. version are offered here. The content is exactly the same, but the Zoom version is much lower resolution, so is helpful if you are on weaker wifi.

Domini Anne