Jedi Spine Tricks

Jedi Spine Tricks is a 2.5 hour workshop on self-cueing techniques for every joint in the body. Harnessing proprioception, musculoskeletal awareness and breath, you will build yourself a toolkit that serves you and your students as we all work towards fully embodied movement expression.

Learn simple exercises you can teach that improve co-ordination and control - improving movement patterns and building confidence as you work towards full movement expression, effectively distributed through all the joints in any movement chain.

Props list:

1 long foam roller ( optional but helpful)

1 yoga strap 

1 long, medium strength resistance band

1-2 yoga blocks ( a mixture of cork and foam is best)

1 8-10 lb weight

2 3-5 lb hand weights 

A round 5 lb weight if available

A towel set : Bath, hand and washcloth

Domini Anne