Post Holiday Tune Up

Greetings All! 

I took a break from the " Work Ins" between Thanksgiving and Christmas, as for most of us, the best laid fitness plans of Mice and Men tend to fall by the wayside during the holiday season.

But here we are, one family meal closer to 2017, and it comes time to look down, assess the landscape, and lay some New Years Resolutions. 

This Work In isn't about to "shred" you. 

It's designed to gently massage your digestive system, and unkink the various kinks that have most likely arisen social activities replacing the gym. 

It's about 15 minutes total. 

If you want to skip the breathing warmup and get right in to the workout, head in about 2.5 minutes. 

(or just do the breathing anyhow. It's really good for you and makes everything else work so much better)

I wish you Merry Festivities and a Happy New Year!

Domini Anne