About Last Night...

Well, if it's not going to be this weekend, at some point, you or someone you love will need this class.

I had fun researching this one, trying all of these various combinations of asana, breathing, aromatherapy and massage techniques. 

I'd like to think I put together a " best of the best", along the lines of what I want to do if I am seriously hung over, and possibly suffering the effects of heavy dancing without proper stretching or footwear.

 Deep breathing is good, slow movements are good. Twists are good to detox the system, but I don't like to force too much too fast...

Take it easy, sip water, and take breaks liberally. 

You have a small "laundry list" for this class: 

1 towel ( of at least hand towel size, if not bath towel)

Lavander or Peppermint aromatherapy oils ( if you have them, or any headache blend)

One chair. The kind you have available is great. Don't overthink this.

Class is 25 minutes. Because I'm assuming that if you're doing this, you're not doing much else at that time. 

Drink water. Sip water. Take it easy.

Send your liver some love, and remember that this too, shall pass.

My mission is to create a world where people are happy in their bodies.
I believe that happier people will bring us closer to a world that exists in

Breathe On,




Domini Anne