Check Your Head

So what happens when the reality of a situation is that nothing is stable?

When finding clarity entails acceptance that nobody really knows what is happening, and there is no solid plan - despite the best laid intentions of any/all sentient beings? Well, what happens in the physical body is discomfort. Jaw clenching, neck pain to say the least, if not all over dis-ease.

There are a few logical reasons for this:

Our emotional and physical bodies are intrinsically linked, so imbalance in one will present in the other. A simple example - stress causes you to clench your jaw. When you incite tension around the mandible, that causes the neck muscles to contract, which results in restrictions the head, neck and the shoulders.

We are spending an inordinate amount of time on our screens - and that posture has it’s own associated baggage. We bring our heads forward towards our screens, and restrict hand and finger movements to their equally miniscule keyboards. The repetitive movements that are now necessary for communication can ultimately restrict range of motion if we don’t counteract them with larger, oppositional ranges. ( requiring a shift not only in physical focus, but also mental state )

This 6 minute sequence ( lifted from a Galileo class designed for sensory healing) helps to ground your physical and emotional bodies, while aligning your cervical spine. With simple breathwork exercises and resistance stretching, you can reduce neck pain and all over stress by shifting your focus and spending a little time giving some love to your upper body.

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Domini Anne