How to Feel Strong

“Bring the Weight” has been the ongoing theme in my studio for the past two weeks, and the stability, grounding and overall body tone it has brought me cannot be denied.

There is a confidence that comes with knowing you can perform daily tasks without hurting yourself that creates a smile at a cellular level. It’s not just about lifting weights, it’s knowing that your body can bend and flex in ways that will allow you to undo that back zipper, or lift your son on to the high stool without fear of hurting yourself. 

I’ve learned a few things in this process. The first major lesson a whole new appreciation for the “Warm Up”

Before you begin to add extra load ( read - additional stimulation to your nervous system that will enhance proprioception and stability), you would do well to prepare your body to receive that kind of feedback. Without a good warmup, you risk strain, stress and confusion because you pushed parts of yourself to work beyond their capacity in that given moment. 

Weight training doesn’t just target the body part that’s holding the weight, it’s the entire muscle chain that is stabilizing that weight that is activated. So if you are lifting weights and you’re not sitting or lying down, preparing your body from the ground up is going to greatly enhance your experience. 

Here’s what I put together about that before my Gyrotonic Tower concept class last Thursday. 

And I’ve been doing variations it every day because it feels so good.

Use the code “ do_it “ to rent this video for free


Domini Anne