Expanding your Tidal Lung Volume

It may have taken a global pandemic to force us to focus on the basic functions that bring life to our bodies, but anyhow, I’m glad you’re here.

Anyhow…I’ve done a bunch of research on what we know so far, and have come up with some physical responses. You can read more about my thought process if you like, but right now you’re on the page where you’re looking to move, so let’s go.

Workout tools:

•A stool or a chair that’s at a comfortable height

•A theraband, yoga strap or anything you can tie in a loop that’s about 1 foot long

•A bed pillow or couch cushion or a couple of rolled up towels

If you like the idea of nourishing your respiratory passageways while breathing, you might consider using some essential oils - either dropped on your clothing or through a diffuser. This website has some helpful suggestions about oils that might assist you if that’s a goal.

I would also recommend that if you’re able to open a window, or exercise with fresh air, that’s a huge bonus for your body. There are a lot of trapped particles from all kinds of stuff inside houses, and minimizing your intake of those might be helpful while working with your lungs.

Enough. Let’s breathe.

Domini Anne