Feedback from : "Root Down" Gyrotonic class

Hey Domini,

So, I try not to gush too often, so please know that this comes from so far inside my soul that I need to share it with you. I am so grateful for you! The work that you are doing with the weights, the thera bands, the breath, all of it is making such a huge difference in my life that I barely feel like the same person that I was at the beginning of January. I just finished your class, but before the class, I (for some reason, perhaps because arabesque has always been so extremely painful for me) was afraid. Now, I feel silly, because after so many years of FIGHTING to understand arabesque (and actually side extension of the leg) I completely get the opposition, and the initiation! I cannot thank you enough. You have taken something that has always caused me pain and fear, and helped me to truly understand it.

Sending so much love that my heart is bursting,

Heather H.

Gyrotonic and Galileo trainer

Aerial performer/trainer

Domini Anne