Head not Shoulders, Knees not Toes

So here’s what happens as we settle in to habitual patterns with our body:

We get stuck in certain places, and when those places don’t move well, we shunt that movement to the next mobile place, either above or below the stuck spot. ( I could get all technical on you here, but have reserved that for the full video, designed for movement geeks and home gym Macgyvers “)

Below, you can find a short video, loosely inspired by the Fendenkrais approach, that “uncouples” movement through various regions of the torso. It’s sliced from my Mad Props class, which is a weekly class for trainers and movement enthusiasts who like to take household items and turn them in to workout tools.

You will want a box of cereal or pasta, ideally at least 3/4 full. If the box top is open, maybe tape it for your first try. Also, it’s always a good idea to have a “baseline” I.e. an exercise you can return to to mark progress or change as you move through a physical experience. For this one, I recommend sitting and trying to reach behind you in both directions. Try this before, and after this mini-class.

Domini Anne