Domini Anne and the Bud Diva present : INHALE ( part 1)

Now that Cannabis is legal in California, a whole new dimension of mind body training is being explored.

Clients of all ages have experienced positive shifts in their connection with their bodies, easy entry in to flow state, and an enhanced ability to directly apply abstract training concepts to their practice.

So it only made sense that I got together with my friend Aisa Angel, AKA The Bud Diva , and we dove in to the experience ourselves. What transpired was a fascinating conversation about proprioception, muscle chains and breath mechanics, along with some simple Core Breathwork exercises designed to decompress her lumbar spine.

Whether you are a trainer looking for teaching tools ( there are TONS in this video) or an intrigued participant, I encourage you to turn on this video, try what works for you and apply these concepts to your movement practice.

Domini Anne