The Core of the Issue

This week I am up in BC at my father's wedding ( congratulations Dad! I wish you so much happiness!) and so my anatomical explorations have had more to do with following the transit of wine and pie as it moves through my system than research and movement.

However, I wanted to maintain my bi-weekly commitment, and so this week I offer to you one of the first "blogs" I ever made. A 15 minute journey through your abdominals and the breath, two of my favorite topics. It lays out how to correctly engage through the layers of abdominal muscles, and synchronize this movement with the breath. 

You can break up this little lesson in to 3 sections of 5 minutes each, repeating each one until the movement becomes familiar, or just roll through the entire lesson in one go.

In addition, I wanted to highlight two opportunities to work with me in person: 

On May 20th, I will be offering a single day transformative workshop in Carmel. Open to all levels, focused on breath and movement.

And for Gyrotonic/Gyrokinesis instructors, I am offering a 3 day Breathing Course intensive from June 9-11. This course satisfies the Continuing Education requirements for Gyrokinesis trainers.

My mission is to create a world where people are happy in their bodies.
I believe that happier people will bring us closer to a world that exists in

Breathe On



Domini Anne