Core Breathwork - Abdominal Sequence

I created this sequence of abdominal exercises as a simple, concise way to train them correctly. 

In so many cases, misconceptions about how and when to engage your abs can lead to back problems, and even digestive issues. 

By following the natural patterns of the breath, one can learn to train their abdominals to move in towards center, and lengthen the spine in the process, effectively teaching your body to work your abs in towards your core whenever you choose to exhale. 

This 16 minute video can be broken up in to mini-sessions of approximately 5 minutes each, or done as an entire sequence. 

Enjoy my breath based workouts? Digging the " experiential anatomy"?

There are some upcoming opportunities to study with me in person. 

If you are GYROKINESIS® certified, I am teaching a Level 1 Gyrokinesis Update focusing on the breathing patterns in Format 1 and the homework series from 09/30 -10/02 in Carmel, CA.

I am also offering "Inner Space : A User's Guide", a weekend retreat focused on Core Breathwork at Allsgood Farm, in Penn Valley, CA. 

You can check out my entire teaching schedule here.

Domini Anne